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SAI Messages for YOU and ME

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sat May 24, 2008 1:28 pm

study Service

Service to man is service to God, and when you serve man you also serve yourself, for all are one.

Service is the best way to find true satisfaction and happiness in life; but the desire to serve must come from the heart, an outpouring of the love of God stored in the heart, always waiting to express itself.

See the love around you in every form, manifestations of God’s creation. Look at the flowers and observe their beauty, God manifesting Himself in those forms.

Man’s biggest problems are his feeling of separation, his loss of true identity and his ego, which is itself an expression of separation. But what is man? Man is God! So how can man be separated from what he really is?

When man lives in the certain knowledge that he is part of the whole, and that what he sees all around him is a reflection of himself, then the feeling of separation will go. And the desire to serve will follow directly from his awakening and the realization of his true identity and his relationship with God and all mankind.

These are fundamental truths, so simple and yet so seldom understood. It is the same with different races: all are one and part of a whole. Whether it is caste, religion or any other form of division or segregation, it is essential to understand that such divisions are purely cosmetic, arrangements which are convenient for earth life but which, like the body, are purely temporary.

The integration of all mankind will come in the course of time and it will result from a better understanding of the truth. I am the truth and I have come to teach the truth so that man can escape from darkness, ignorance and illusion. It is these which have led man to experience antagonism, hatred and even war.

My children, God is love, you are God, and you should awaken to that truth. See the light, live in light, and let love blossom in your hearts so that it lights p the world and cleanses it of the evils and the ignorance of the present age.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sun May 25, 2008 12:01 pm

study A Beautiful Sunny Day

All days are beautiful! It is not the days that matter but what goes on deep within you as each day passes. It is the soul experience that matters, and the soul should contemplate the glory of God at all times, regardless of the weather!

Man tends to live out his life like a cork, floating in the sea, tossed about by the waves without a sense of direction. That is not the purpose of life. You do not expect to see a car travelling along the road without a driver at the wheel, or to see him asleep at the wheel. But that is exactly what is happening in many of your lives: no direction, no awakening, just the experiencing of events and the needless problems of everyday life.

You are the driver and you alone can pilot your way through life, choosing your own path. There are many paths but there is only one that will lead you back to God: the spiritual path.

However, you can find God long before you complete the journey, for God is actually with you in the car all the time. You do not see Him because your eyes are clouded by illusion and you are looking elsewhere, drawn away by the materialism that you can see all around you. You become attached to the material world and everything in it and your whole life revolves round it. The desir4es, the pleasures, the fascinations, the material rewards, anything which feeds or swells the ego, these are the things that you pursue and crave, and to such an extent that your vision becomes clouded and the truth hidden from view or distorted. The thought of searching for the truth does not even occur to you and you remain at the lower levels of consciousness.

Then, one day, something happens, perhaps a traumatic experience, and you begin to stir from the sleeping state. These are the first signs of an inner awakening: you begin to wonder what life is all about and why the path which you have been following has brought you so little satisfaction, and certainly no peace of mind or lasting happiness. You start to look around and, eventually, you look within for that is where the solution lies to all your problems. Heaven lies within, not in some distant part of the universe.

Ask yourself how all this applies to you. Where are you now and where are you going? Are you happy, blissfully happy, and have you experienced absolute peace of mind? If not, you now have the opportunity to change your ways and take control of your driverless car. No longer will you be the victim of events, nor will the world determine your future. What a bleak future that would be!

Your future is assured once you find your own self, the divinity within, the real you, the child of the living God who lives deep in your heart. Look within when you wake in the morning and find your real self. Be your real self from morning till night and walk hand in hand with God in all that you do, knowing that nothing can harm you.

Experiences will come and go but they are not part of you. Nothing can touch you form now on, for you are divine, and eternal soul, child of the omnipresent God. The past is in the past and you have been lost, but now you are awakened. From this point onwards, ultimate bliss is inevitable.

It is the only path, the divine path, and it is there in front of you now. Start the new journey hand in hand with God at this very moment and never turn back. The path ahead is glorious and will bring peace of mind, something which has eluded you for so long. And the Lord will always be there to guide and protect you.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon May 26, 2008 1:56 pm

study Easter 1986

Harmony comes to the world when people unite in prayer. Today, many people are hoining together in prayer and the foundations are laid for the way ahead.

Change takes place continuously in the universe. Everyone and everything is in a perpetual state of change, even at those times when stagnation seems to have set in. Those periods of seeming stagnation are forms of illusion, the result of relating everything to time. Yet time itself is timeless!

Everything in the universe relates to the source and to everything else within the universe. Man should realise that he himself is part of the universe, part of the whole, and that therefore he is inextricably involved in the movements and changes that are taking place all around him, everywhere, all the time.

Man’s first task should be to relate to the universe and the life-force of which he is part. That is the divinity within, the God-force itself. Easter is a time for understanding this wholeness, a bringing together of all aspects of nature and particularly of all mankind. Everyone should come together on a great wave of love; a wave that can carry everything in its wake, for love has no limitations. God is love and His love is like a great tidal wave.

Why does man dally on the path? He dallies because hi is lost, distracted by all that he sees around him. On this Easter day, he should try once again to find himself and establish his try identity, also his relationship with God and the whole. Easter should be a time of coming together, forgetting the past and all the tribulations that he has encountered on the path. All that is behind him and now is the time for a new awakening.

My children, your fulfilment lies in living the truth and putting behind you the mistakes of the past. Out of the darkness will come the light. You are that light, a divine soul, blessed with all the power that you will ever need.

Man, know thyself. Know that you are truly divine, God within and God without. See that same divine spirit in all around you: family, friends, acquaintances and, beyond that, to every living soul on this planet. Look at the animals and the flowers. They, too, are the creation of the living God and part of that whole.

That is My Easter message, a message of love, hope, harmony, unity and peace. Love one another and see how your world is slowly transformed, Heaven lies within not in some distant part of the universe. It is here now and you should live in heaven from this day onwards.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Tue May 27, 2008 5:40 pm

study Peace Of Mind

Absolute peace can only be experienced when there is no mind!

The mind in its present form is full of unfulfilled desire. It behaves like a spinning top. Someone has set the spinning top in motion and it continues spinning so long as the driving force is there. In the case of the mind, you provide the driving force through your pursuit of materialistic interests and the desires which are always there. You must learn to control the mind by curbing your desires and changing your whole approach to life.

Look inside and find the source of your desires. Consider what it is that you really want in life. Are all these things really desirable? Where will they lead you, even if you find a way to fulfil these desires, all of them? Just think about it.

In the end, you have to clear the path and free it from all desire so that you may see the way forward and move along a clearer path, the spiritual one, that really leads you somewhere worthwhile. The problem is not so difficult if you look at it in that light.

All problems are man-made and can be resolved by man. God will always be there to help and guide, provided you ask. But, God will not intervene if you choose to continue your life on the wrong path. You have free will and you alone can make the decision to alter the course of your life.

My child, you will resolve your own problems. Look inside now and contemplate the whole situation: your life, your surroundings, your activities, your successes and failure, and your continuing desires. It is these desires that need examining because, once they are eliminated, peace will come and the path ahead will be brightened by the sunshine and the love of the Lord, the brightest light in the universe.

Have no fear, since the Lord Himself is there, beside you.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Thu May 29, 2008 6:43 am

study Light (I)

When the heart opens, love begins to flow. When the love flows, peace comes to the mind. Love is the light of the world and I am that light. All is God, all is divine, there is only God.

My children, you are all one, all divine. How can you want anything in life when you have everything? Limitation is cause by ignorance and fear. But, what is there to fear?

Awaken, awaken and see the light. It shines within and it shines without. I am the light, I am the source. I am you and you are Me.

Live your lives in the perfect understanding of the truth, that all are one, all God. See everyone as God. Be like lanterns, lighting you the darkness and bring you and happiness to all around you.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Fri May 30, 2008 9:53 am

study Healing An Animal

All the children are Mine, all the animals are Mine, and I love them all. Every animal is known to Me, regardless of where it may be, this side of the world or in far away lands. I watch their growth and development. Just like humans, animals progress along certain paths relative to the animal kingdom and to evolution itself.

This dog that you ask Me about needs help but not surgery. It is right that you have thought about an operation but it would not be satisfactory or bring about permanent cure.

Leave it to Me, and I will help with the healing, but you must all cooperate in the healing effort. Miracles can happen in the animal world, as well as with humans.

Try to link up each day with this dog and send out loving healing thoughts. Ask ….. to continue her own healing efforts, concentrating on the Sai form and the omnipresence of the Lord. Sai is always there, but you need to harness the Sai energy to bring about the healing that is necessary in this case. The dog will get better, not necessarily a complete cure, but much relief will be obtained.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sat May 31, 2008 1:04 pm

study At Times Of Depression

Look for the purity within, the life force that is at the heart of very living soul. Then contemplate the body and the mind. Neither of these is you but they are the cause of many of your problems.

All desires originate in the mind so you must learn to control the mind and prevent it from running wild. If you start the day with thoughts of God and continue such thoughts throughout the day, you will learn to control the mind. It needs both practice and determination.

Freedom from depression, fear and anxiety will come to you slowly as you draw closer to God and bring Him into your daily life. Learn to share your life with God for Ge is you and you are Gim, even thought you feel so separated. IT is isolation and separation which are at the root of so many of your problems.

When union with God is realised, there will be no mind and you will experience a perfect sense of peace at all times, and under all conditions, regardless of what is happing around you.

Try to live you lives in complete harmony with God, surrendering everything to Him. Become a reflection of His love which flows everywhere. Rise up above all obstacles and see them for what they really are, passing waves on the surface of a vast ocean. They are nothing, just temporary disturbances caused by man himself. Let them pass by and do not become part of them. Continue your own journey along the spiritual path in complete harmony with God. In that way, nothing can touch you and you will ride high above the storms that come your way.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:38 am

study Christmas (I)

The Lord is omnipresent and appears in human form from age to age. Many of you have seen the Lord, but others should know that the Lord is always present everywhere, dwelling in your heart. He remains awake, even while you sleep, a sleep which often continues for decades before you become awakened.

Now is the time for that awakening, the awakening of man to the truth. The days of illusion and wrong living should be put behind you for they lead nowhere. Whenever doubt enters your mind turn to God and He will guide you out of darkness into light.

Awaken to the truth that God IS; that you are part of the WHOLE, a divine soul, a child of the living God. See everyone else in the same light and know that they are your divine brothers and sisters.

On Christmas Day, you celebrate the birth of Christ. On this occasion you should also be celebrating your own re-birth, your awakening to your true divine state. Once you experience this awakening, you leave behind for ever the attachment to materialism and the illusion that goes with it. Instead, you live on the divine level and place yourself in the hands of the Lord who looks after all your needs.

Christmas is truly a time of celebration and the Lord waits patiently, watching for signs of an awakening of those souls who have been struggling in the darkness for so long. The Lord has shown the way and many have heard the call. Everyone here today should listen again to that call and leave behind them their lives of illusion and attachment to materialism, a type of life that conceals the truth and the way ahead. Turn, instead, to the spiritual path and realise your own divinity. That indeed would be something to celebrate! I will always be with you to help and sustain you.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:46 am

study Calm

Calm comes when the mind is at rest. Ultimate calm is the state when there is no mind at all, just eternal peace.

You live at the present time in physical surroundings and you relate everything to those surroundings, whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral. But really, you should identify yourself and everything else with God the Absolute and be aware of His omnipresence at all times.

When your life is absorbed in and devoted to God, then peace and calm will come to you, and the power of the mind, which at present disturbs you so much, will fade away.

Look around now and witness the beauty of nature on this lovely sunny morning. All is God, all beauty is God, there is only God. You are part of all that, a child of God, closer to God that you could ever imagine.

The calm is inside you now, if only you would turn to God instead of relating yourself to material concepts, which are only temporary phenomena.

Fill your heart with love of God. Let thoughts of God and His love and glory fill your mind from morning till night and drive out all other disturbing thoughts. Then peace and calm will come and you will experience true happiness at all times, regardless of what is happening around you.


Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:07 am

study Enlightenment is Liberation

Liberation is the goal of mankind: release from the constant cycle of birth and death. IT is desire and the craving for material pleasures that bind man to the earth plane, and he will only find liberation through purification and enlightenment.

Life itself is a game, and it is man who has chosen to separate himself from God, drawn away by the apparent attractions of material life. His mind rises into the ascendant and his sense take control of him. The demands of the senses grow stronger and stronger, leading him further and further away from God until he loses his sense of direction. That is what is happening today and now man is lost.

But God is always there, even in the darkest moments, for God is in the heart of every living soul. Your heart in My home.

Today, the divine Avatar is here to lead man back from the brink, back towards the ultimate goal which is liberation and the merging, once again, with God. The process has begun and many are now following the spiritual path, the road to ultimate liberation.

The mystery of life and the mystery of God can never be fully understood on the purely human level, for God is inscrutable. But man can understand enough to know what is right and what is wrong, and this is the starting point of all spiritual endeavours.

In their search for the truth, many people make a study of psychic phenomena. They should always keep in mind the purpose of these studies and what it is that they hope to learn or gain by it. Such studies should be undertaken as a way of trying to find the truth and not for the fascination of the psychic phenomena which may be experienced.

Man should always be searching for the truth and, as he finds it, he should change his lifestyle so that he puts into practice what he has learnt. The time for study has indeed come, and man should learn to look within himself to establish his true identity. How can a man understand the world and how he relates to it and all within it until he understands who he is? Man, know thyself!

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Lalita Sarasvati Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:42 am

I so enjoy every chapter of Sai messages, I soak it all in...
Thank you Sarveswara, Thank you Lordy for showing me how to be, step by step... breath by breath... heart to heart...
aum sai ram...
Lalita Sarasvati
Lalita Sarasvati
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OM Member

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Registration date : 2007-12-27

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:13 am

A pleasure little one hug

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:46 am

study Out of Darkness into Light

Man comes into this world a baby, full of love and sweetness, a reflection of God’s love and divinity. Slowly he grows and, even more slowly, he becomes awakened to the realities of life.

Most people pass through life on earth in a state of spiritual darkness, unaware of their true identity or the purpose of life itself. It is like living in a shell, with a real world hidden from view. Man must break out of that shell and escape from the darkness that surrounds him. And those who have seen the light should help to awaken others and guide them out of darkness into light.

Many spiritually advanced souls are here today, full of understanding, and they all have a part to play in helping humanity. Often, much effort and sacrifice are required because the task of spreading the truth is never easy. Too many prejudices exist from the past. However, the world is crying out in agony, and there are more and more people everywhere searching for the truth and seeking a light to draw them out of their darkness. You have the chance to radiate that light and you should join in this great work.

So, in your lives, by your examples, live and practise My message, knowing that some will understand and others will not. Have no concern with the outcome of your efforts, for some people are ready and others are to remain in darkness with all the attachments that hold them back from the true path. But eventually, their time will come and, one day, all will be re-united in the kingdom of God.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:42 am

study Easwaramma

Easwaramma was the chosen mother, an example of love, devotion, service and sacrifice at he highest level. Her life was an inspiration to all around her, men, women and children. She never had a thought for herself, always for others, with the children ever foremost in her mind.

Look around and see if that image of Easwaramma is here today, a reflection of divine love, humility, compassion, devotion, sacrifice, simplicity and, above all, LOVE.

The children are the salt of the earth and you should turn your thoughts to them, their needs and welfare, their problems, education and their future. So much responsibility and opportunity lies in your own hands for you are there to guide and protect them.

Easwaramma can be soon as a great light, shining everywhere. Her life was foundation stone for the mothers and children of the future. Study the story of her life and mould your own lives on the same spiritual qualities which she exemplified.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:50 pm

study Message for a Devotee (I)

Love is My medicine and it can cure all the ills of the body and soul. It is the body-soul relationship which needs to be repaired to establish the state of perfect harmony. Look inside and contemplate the true state of the soul, for that is where the problem lies, deep within.

The karmic pattern is always there but this is not necessarily the reason why sick people cannot be cured. In life there are no problems that cannot be resolved.

If you can change your attitude to all around you, even your attitude to yourself, then you will start on a new path and establish a better relationship between body and soul. This may seem difficult after a whole lifetime of false values, but it is not impossible to change, provided you set aside the time, and also turn to God so that you start out on a new spiritual path, hand in hand with Him in all that you do and think.

Man was made in the image of God, but today you would not think so, for that image is tarnished: the result of wrong living, wrong action and wrong thinking. But God is still there, the divine spark within, and now is the time to let that spark light up a great fire from within to burn away all the past and then shine forth like a sparkling star in the firmament. You are that star, but the light is obscured by the clouds of illusion created in your past.

My child, the time for a new beginning is now. The state of perfection, pure bliss, perfect health is also there now, within your grasp. Leave all past thoughts and values behind you, all those prejudices and false values that you have built up and which have created a screen or cloud around you.

Instead build on the God-force within, the absolute pure spirit. Have no fears of any kind. God is there and He will help you, if only you allow Him to do so. God is love, and love is the medicine which can sure all your present ills.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:19 am

study Christmas (II)

Love fows in all the channels that are open. You yourselves are channels. Are those channels open so that the love can flow freely and act as a catalyst to spread My message of love in the world?

Man is sick, engrossed in physical and material pursuits which will lead him nowhere. Yet he continues blindly, imagining that his present way of life will eventually bring him success and some form of satisfaction. But he is mistaken and his vision is clouded by illusion. What is he really doing? He is doing nothing of any consequence, merely wasting his precious time and ignoring the divine opportunity which he has been given by the Lord in this lifetime. All of you have the same opportunity which he has been given by the Lord in this lifetime; otherwise you would not be here.

Christmas itself is a time of awakening when you remember the birth of Christ and, for a short while, spiritual thought and reflection should be extended indefinitely because it is only through spiritual development that man can escape the path of illusion, a path that leads nowhere.

First, you yourselves need to become awakened because you cannot help anyone while you are asleep, lost in a world of illusion. So, awaken, My children, open your eyes, breathe in the divine air and listen to the voice of the Lord. Only when you are awakened and have put aside selfish worldly pursuits can you begin to help others. Show by your own example His teachings and doing your best to save mankind from the state of blindness and lethargy that has overcome the world.

The day of awakening is here and the day of reckoning, or weeding out, is not far away. The Cleansing of the world will take place and only those awakened souls will be left to experience life in the divine state. Others will fall by the wayside, left behind and lost in a world of illusion and darkness.

When the Lord incarnates in human form it is a time of great opportunity for those who are ready. All of you here today have that opportunity, but that alone is no guarantee of liberation. Mush effort is required, also an irreversible commitment to the spiritual path, leaving behind for ever the life of illusion with all its worldly desires, attachments and false values. So long as desire remains, you cannot firmly establish your feet on the spiritual path.

Surrender to the Lord and love Him as He loves you, then extend that love to all mankind, for the Lord is in all. Only in this way can you find true peace, happiness and ultimate bliss.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:01 am

study Co-operation

What is co-operation? It is the understanding of the truth that all are one and all must work together as a part of the whole.

Look at the waves and the ocean. Here you see movement and apparent separation but, equally clearly, you can see that each wave is merely a temporary phenomenon and, and very quickly, it reverts to what it really is: part of the ocean, part of the whole.

When man understands that he is just like the wave and that he is part of the whole, which is God, then he will blend more easily into humanity, realising that these same people are part of himself.

Co-operation begins through an understanding of the truth and the urge to express feelings of love and compassion. Co-operation is a lifetime occupation starting when you are a child, then a student, a young person and, finally, an adult where marriage offers a supreme opportunity for co-operation and the expression of love in its highest form.

Learn to love one another and to experience the joy that comes from working together in complete harmony. Look constantly for opportunities to serve, for that is a form of co-operation, working together for the benefit of humanity. Man has isolated himself from God and the truth, and everywhere there is confusion, unhappiness and darkness. But man is crying out for help.

Open your hearts, My children, and become the awakened ones who will hear that cry for help: help to revitalise the world through your own example. Action is what is required, deeds, not words.

Start a new life today, a life based on love and complete co-operation with the world around you.

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Admin Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:12 am

study Love (I)

Today you have a gathering of My children, children of the living God. I am their mother and their father and I love them all unceasingly, pouring out my love for all to receive. But you must open your hearts to receive My love and to experience it as it really is, as the God-force itself.

Only when you reach a state of detachment can you benefit fully from all that I offer you. You should try to develop that state of detachment, accepting everything as it really is and, above all, accepting yourself as you really are: an aspect of God in human form.

Man tends to stagnate on the earth plane, even thought the awakening may have begun. The same habits and desires have ruled his life for so long that he finds it difficult to change. But change is essential if you want to move forward.

Remember the beginning, when I separated Myself from Myself in order to love Myself. Do you love yourself? If you do not, then it is because you have forgotten your identity. You associate yourself with the body and concern yourself only with bodily and material things, needs, desires, pleasures and all that. But all these are forms of illusion and, as such, are only transient. Even the body itself is temporary.

Arise, My children, awaken to the truth, listen to the word of God and know that only the spiritual path can lead you out of the wilderness. Love is the key, love is the way. Open your heart and let the love flow. Let the God-force manifest itself through you at all times so that you shine as a living example of God in human form. See God all around you and do your best to light the lamp of love in the hearts of all those who come into contact with you, friends, foes, everyone. Love is so powerful that it can break down all barriers.

My children, the time has come for a great awakening of mankind. You are the leaders and I have given you this great opportunity to help lead mankind out of the wilderness, back to the divine state. That state exists now, if only you can light the lamp of love which is in the heart of every living soul. Love is the key to divinity, and love is God.

Number of posts : 127
Age : 17
Location : Australia
Job/hobbies : OM Ashram Online - Adminstrator
Humor : Love All ... Serve All
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:13 am

study Turn To God

Man experiences many traumas in life and, at the time, they are very distressing. Later in life he comes to terms with the reality of what is happening and accepts it as something which is transient and of no lasting importance.

But, in the early days these traumatic experiences can make a deep impression and leave scars which often remain for a whole lifetime. There are also scars from the more distant past, scars from previous lives.

It is only when man learns to live in the present that he can escape from the effect of these past traumas that haunt him. When you live in the present, you learnt to live in the presence of God and, what ever happens, you accept it as His Will. You continue to live your life according to what you believe to be the truth, surrendering everything to Him, regardless of the consequences. In this way there can be no worries. Nothing then has any real importance because it is all just passing and you are simple caught up in it at the given moment.

When you learn to live in the present, you break mush of the karmic pattern that otherwise might hold you back as a result of the impressions which your past lives have left on you. Love now, live in the presence of God and do everything with Him. Talk to Him throughout the day and establish your true relationship with Him, for He is in you and you are in Him.

It is the feeling of separation and isolation which is at the root of so many difficulties that man experiences. But the separation is only apparent, not real. It is simply a reflection of your life, demonstrating that you have forgotten the truth, the reality of your own being.

Salvation comes through God and that salvation is within your grasp now. Forget the past, stop worrying about the future and live now. See God everywhere and in everything. Rejoice that you are part of that whole and that, at last, you have found your true self, a facet of the omnipresent God who is with you at every moment of the day.

Imagine that you are travelling on a long journey. As you look ahead, the road in front of you seems endless. You are tired and confused and begin to wonder if you are even on the right road. But if only you opened your spiritual eyes, you would see the Lord standing beside you, just waiting to help and guide you forward. That divine help is always there, just waiting for your call. The Lord waits patiently until you are ready and willing to turn to Him instead of continuing your own isolated struggle.

Turn to God now and leave behind for ever more the traumas that haunt you and hinder your progress on the spiritual path.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:25 am

study Easwaramma Day

Today you are gathered together to pay homage to Easwaramma. It is a day when the heart should open and the feeling of motherly love pour out and cleanse the negative emotions, so common in present day life.

People should be happy; but, how can they be happy if they are in a state of uncertainty? That is the state in which most of them are, uncertain about almost everything, even their own identity.

All these festival days should be occasions of awakening, and today is no exception. You are gathered here, so many people, for what purpose? Just think about that! Are you here because you feel you should be seen here, or have you come for some purpose? If the latter, what is that purpose?

Why do you come all the way to India to see Me? Do you hope for a miracle to solve all your worldly problems?

My children, look within and find your own true identity. Come to terms with the world as it is. You are here for a purpose: purification of the soul, evolution of that soul and its journey along the spiritual path, back to the Godhead where you attain the ultimate experience of the complete merging with God, liberation.

Today you should also think about children and young people, the leaders of tomorrow. How do they relate to your thoughts, ideas and plans? Don not forget the children, they are there to be loved, to be helped and guided, and to be encouraged. They must also be given responsibility when they start to mature, so that they can take their rightful places in the world. What are you doing about all these things?

You are all My children and you have seen how My love pours out everywhere, unceasingly, all over the world. If you link up with Me in pure love, you immediately experience a beautiful peace and become part of that flow of divine love. That is the state in which you should live, in complete harmony and attunement with the Lord at all times. See the Lord everywhere, in everyone and everything, and feel His presence always. This is the way to plot your journey on the spiritual path.

Easwaramma Day celebrations are important. They are an opportunity for a new understanding of the true meaning of love leading to unity and harmony. Let every one of you be part of the celebrations so that you all continue your lives from this day forward on the true spiritual path. Leave behind you all the negative emotions and negative thoughts. Move forward on a great wave of love and know that nothing can then stop your progress.

Dedicate your loves to the service of humanity and do your best to bring love and light into the lives of all those who cross your path. They are all My children

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Age : 65
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Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:45 am

study The Golden Age (I)

When the Golden Age dawns there will be harmony throughout the world and love will flow everywhere. All thoughts of hatred will disappear. Today you cannot visualise such a state because there is chaos everywhere, fighting, scheming, hatred, evil; all the negative emotions are in the ascendant. But eventually the change will come.

The arrival of the Golden age will be herald by a new coming, as well as some upheavals, sufficient to uproot the evil that is so prevalent today.

Although the Golden Age lies in the future, man can prepare himself by turning to God and living his life in complete harmony with the Infinite. That is possible now, if you surrender your will to God and dedicate your life to Him. You will become His instrument and, in that capacity, you will find fulfilment through service to humanity.

Life is change, and change is taking place all the time. Only God never changes as God is the foundation of the universe and He holds everything in His hand.

When you become perfectly attuned to God, you become part of that divine foundation; then nothing can affect you. At that point, the past, present and future merge into one, and that oneness is the omnipresent God.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:07 am

study The Golden Age (II)

The Golden Age is the creation of man, not of God.

God created man in His own image. Within man is the divine power, locked away in his heart. But man, in his ignorance, has chosen to look elsewhere and has allowed his senses and his ego to take control of him instead of the divine power which is there all the time.

The transition from that unhappy state to the state of bliss cannot be achieved overnight, but the changes have begun and the seeds are sown. Man is living at the dawn of a Golden Age and he himself will determine the timing of the transition by his own acts and thoughts.

Today the seeds are still in the ground, slowly germinating, as the teachings of the Lord begin to spread throughout the world. And infiltrate the mind of man. Soon those seeds will begin to grow, and what emerges will brighten the world as the beauty of the absolute truth begins to reach so many people. It is a process which takes time and the new Golden Age will evolve gradually.

So you should live in hope, live in love, live in purity, purity of heart and thought and, above all, be true to your own self. Let the divinity within shine forth and become one of the great beacons to light up the world and hasten the arrival of the new Golden Age. It is here now for some, those enlightened souls who have already reached the state of God realisation. It is that awakened state which will lead to the new age.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:45 am

study Unity Of Faiths

My message is always a message of LOVE, that divine love which alone can bring about the unity of faiths. No amount of scholastic study or lecturing can achieve that purpose. When the world vibrates with love there will be complete unity of all mankind.

I have shown you the way and now it is up to each one of you to exercise the free will which I have given you and bring about the changes in your lives so that you can become examples of love manifesting itself at the highest level.

Let the negative emotions burn themselves out in the fire of experience. Then let the great ocean of divine love swamp the fire and bring peace to the world so that love and harmony prevail throughout the universe.

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Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:57 am

study The Unity Of Mankind

The unity of mankind is the goal. Unity will come only through love, the motivating force which flows throughout the universe. That love, that motivating force, is God , and all of you are part of it.

I am here, I am there, I am everywhere. The omnipresence of God is fundamental feature of the whole universe. I am in your heart, always there for, in truth, you and I are one. We are all one.

The feeling of separation which you experience is itself an illusion, for there is no real separation. If all are one, how can there be separation? But the body and mind lead man to imagine that he is separate, in his mind, he sees himself as separate. The task is to see through this illusion and to find the God within, the real you, the spark or droplet of the Divine that is within all.

The unity of mankind will come when man becomes awakened and when he allows love to flow from his heart all the time. Then he will recognise the same love in others and see them as they really are, part of himself, part of God, divine.

Divinity cannot be divided into separate parts, so how can man himself be separated?

An understanding of this basic truth is the key to the future of mankind. The time has indeed come for a great awakening, when the days of ignorance and illusion are replaced by a new Golden Age. That Golden Age is here now, just waiting for man to move into it and find the peace that has eluded him all this time.

Everyone has the opportunity to enter the new Golden Age. But each one has a choice, the free will, to decide his own future, whether he wishes to continue living in the wilderness, a life of illusion, or move forward along the spiritual path and enter the new Golden Age.

Perfect peace awaits him at the end of the path which leads to ultimate liberation.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:53 am

study Guru Purnima 1987

Guru Purnima is an occasion when everyone should become inspired and find new hope for the future. Such occasions are opportunities for a reappraisal of your lives, a time to reflect on what you are doing, and how the divine Avatar fits into you life, even into your being.

It is meaningless to claim that you are a devotee unless you are doing something to alter your life. I never look for devotees or admirers. People are drawn to Me when they are ready, often after much suffering while they travel along the wrong path.

My life is My message, a mission to show man the way to save himself and to save the world. My message is simple; it is a message of divine love and service. If you follow that example, your own lives will be transformed and you too will become an example, which others can follow.

Life is a challenge and a great opportunity. Today is one of those landmarks on the long path through life, a day when you can look backwards and forward, and plan your journey ahead. In a year’s time you will reach another landmark and then another and another. On each of these occasions, the process of purification becomes more apparent if you are travelling on the right path, the spiritual path. Love and contentment should replace all those negative emotions which you are still experiencing today. And your life should become more devoted to others through service to mankind.

Do not let the occasion of Guru Purnima pass like another day at the office. Look on it as a truly divine day, a day spent in the presence of the divine Avatar who is here to help everyone who is ready and willing to move forward along the spiritual path.

Let it be a day of LOVE, and remember always that love itself is God. Wherever there is love, I am there.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:48 am

study The Negative Emotions

In the world today, one sees anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, misguided ambition and power seeking. What is the reason for the prevalence of these negative emotions?

It is one thing only: man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use. The spiritual path is based on the true human values: truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence. When man plots a course through life based on these values, which provide a solid foundation, then all the negative emotions fall away. Even if he should stumble on the path, he can easily see the reason for the fall and quickly steady himself and continue the spiritual journey.

Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacle, and they are the very experience he needs to encourage and complete the cleaning process. And when the cleansing is finally complete, the evolved soul ceases to react to anything. All emotions are perfectly balanced. He lives in a state of permanent happiness, regardless of prevailing circumstances.

So long as you continue to react to whatever you experience, you must also continue to look at yourself progressively more closely. Only though self-examination will you be able to see through the negative emotions. You must see them for what they really are aspects of the lower self attempting to maintain the grip which it has exerted over you for so long.

As you progress along the spiritual path, you should walk hand in had with God, in whatever form you see Him. God the Ultimate is your guide and helper and He will carry you forward on the spiritual path if only you establish real contact with Him. It is like walking along a path with your closest friend. You can walk in complete silence and your friend, too, will remain silent. Or, you can talk to your fiend all the time and learn from him as you go along.

God is that friend and it is up to you to break the silence and bring Him into your life at every moment of the day. God is love, and that is the easiest way to find Him, through love. If you keep your heart open and let love flow, God’s love will fill you with divine energy and help you along the path, guiding you to overcome all obstacles. It is a long journey, but it becomes shorter and easier once you share it with the Lord. He knows the path, and will guide you all the way to the very end, to ultimate liberation.

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Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:18 pm

study Pride

Pride is an indication of someone on the wrong path. It is prevalent today since so many people are ravelling along false paths, paths that lead nowhere.

The awareness of your own feeling of pride offers an opportunity to reassess your approach to life, an opportunity for self-examination and an inner enquiry into the reason for its existence.

What is man seeking in his life? If pride is the result of his life’s effort, then he is lost on an endless path which leads further and further into a world of false values and illusion. But man has to experience these things at some point in his evolution; and, if you now become aware of your own pride, then you are presented with an opportunity ti change, a change to the way of truth, real values and spiritual growth.

Pride is not an evil on its own. It is a warning light to help[ you realise the need for change. Pride is everywhere and it is a matter of degree. To have pride in your work can be harmless, but to be full of who is bad. Ultimately, there is no ego and no ride, nothing other than God. That is the truth, that all is God but, as a result of man’s free will, he manifests himself at the lower levels and lives in a confused state. In such a state pride assumes different proportions and all the false values seem to have real meaning. It is all a passing phase, just a form of illusion.

Pride and ego are like soap bubbles which are blown up until they become so large that they are completely transparent. In the case of the soap bubble, it eventually bursts and nothing is left. With pride and ego, man eventually begins to see the transparency of his own creation and, one day, that bubble, too bursts. That moment can lead to his own awakening and give him the opportunity to start off once again on another path, this time the path of truth, love, peace and righteousness, the spiritual path that will lead him to liberation and merging with God.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:16 am

study The Feeling of Tension

Tension results from fear, anxiety, uncertainty, even frustration and anger. It can arise when you are inundated with responsibilities and problems, and you do not know where to turn.

There is only one way: turn to God and ask Him to help you. When you do this, and put complete trust in Him, slowly the problems will fall into place and solutions appear. Do not worry about the results; accept them as they come as His will. All your problems will be resolved, one way or another and the results are unimportant. The soul will still be there, richer for the experiences. Look at life like that and accept everything as it comes. Never fear and never look for the perfect solution. Do everything in partnership with God and leave all consequences to Him. Relax and enjoy the life which the Lord has given you.

Meditate daily on the divine presence, that is the presence of God within, God without, God everywhere, God’s omnipresence. Even in your darkest moments, God is always there.

God is like food for the body and soul. The food is there waiting for you but you will remain hungry if you leave the food untouched.

Try to integrate God into your daily lives for He is part of your very being. And, as you learn to unite with in and to put your trust in Him, so the feelings of fear, tension and frustration will slowly disappear.

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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:56 am

study Desire (II)

The mind of man leads him a wild dance he himself becomes its leader and learns to control it as successfully as it has been controlling him.

The transformation from one state to the other requires much determination, but it is something which must be achieved if man is to make real progress along the spiritual path. The prize is a form of release, freedom from domination of the mind, an essential preparation for the next move forward.

Progress on the spiritual path will always be limited while man is dominated by desire and he continues to succumb to the ever increasing demands of his senses. A man controlled by his senses tends to behave like an animal and he merely exists, not making any real progress in life. But a man who reaches the desireless state becomes fully awakened and sees everything as it really is. And in this awakened state, he can see clearly the futility of much that once seemed so important to him.

It is desire that binds man and leads him along so many false trails, even though the true spiritual path is there in front of him all the time. But when he becomes awakened, he can see everything as it really is, including that spiritual path.

Desire takes many forms and you should consider what it is that you really want in life. Is it possessions, wealth, power, position and all that this implies? If you already have some of these things, what happiness have they brought into your lives?

The saints were never wealthy and most of them owned nothing, but they were happy because they were free from every aspect of desire. But man is encumbered by desire and, in that state; he will never experience peace of mind or find last in happiness. His life will continue to revolve around himself and all his needs, dictated by his desires, until one day something happens to bring about his awakening.

Desire is the basic problem in life. It is a sign of ignorance, spiritual blindness, and it leads to an imbalance allowing the mind and body to control your lifestyle. The only way to overcome desire is to become awakened, to look within and find your real self, divinity. Then you must learn to manifest yourself at that divine level and become permanently attuned to God who is always there to help you, once you turn to Him with a pure heart.

Whenever desire raises its ugly head, look within and contemplate the truth that you are divine and you are not the body. How can divinity desire anything but LOVE, since GOD IS LOVE? Desire only love, and see yourself as you really are, divinity. All other desires will then slowly dissolve and you will release yourself from those lower levels of consciousness.

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Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
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Swami Re: SAI Messages for YOU and ME

Post by Sarveswara Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:07 am

study Sickness

There are two types of sickness: Sickness of the body and sickness of the soul. When the soul is sick, the mind becomes disturbed and the body is affected.

Soul sickness is related to an inner awareness of the truth, as awareness at the deepest level of the traumas of the past. But, at the conscious level, man cannot understand what is happening or why he feels this deep depression, this sense of hopelessness and, sometimes of guilt.

The solution to soul sickness is to accept the past as the past and live in the present, live now. It is the thoughts and actions of the present that matter, not those of the past. The past is there and cannot be changed, and it has created you as you are today. But from this point, you will create your own future exactly as you think and act now. That is why it is so important to live in the present and to realise that at this very moment, and at every moment, you are creating your future.

Bad thoughts, bad deeds, jealousies, all these will create the future in a negative way, and lead you to more and more problems. One bad thought is more potent than a hundred good ones. It is like putting a drop of poison in a glass or pure water. So always watch your thoughts and watch your actions. Never forget that you are the creator of your own destiny and God is the ever present witness.

Never underestimate the power of thought. The fact that people can pick you your thoughts on the other side of the ocean demonstrates this quite clearly. In the same way, loving, healing thoughts can heal people in far away places. Remember that every thought is known to God and is recorded in eternity. Your own thoughts and the thoughts of others fill the universe.

Today, the world is sick, poisoned by man. But all is not lost and the day of awakening will come and lead to a new golden age. All of you should play a part in bringing forward that transformation, and the instrument you should use is LOVE.

Let the world be filled with love, loving thoughts pouring out from a million sources. That is the way to cleanse the world and overcome the evil that has soiled the very atmosphere.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, that is My medicine! And it is already there in such abundance, but man is so blinded by his past that he does not see the vast ocean of love surrounding him on all sides. You must become part of that ocean once again, for that ocean is God, the ocean of love, and I AM THAT.

Last edited by Sarveswara on Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling error)

Number of posts : 869
Age : 65
Location : NSW Australia
Job/hobbies : Spiritual Messenger
Humor : Life ... is complexly simple!
Registration date : 2007-11-30


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